1. Female fat cells are 5 times larger than male fat cells. The reason for this difference is that women at so...


1. Female fat cells are 5 times larger than male fat cells.
The reason for this difference is that women at some point in their lives may maintain a fetus and then a baby from their own reserves, so women have to stock energy in the form of fat in anticipation of future pregnancies.
2. Women who lift heavy weights won't make them bulky
An average woman just doesn't have the amount of testosterone to bulk up.
3. Don’t judge your weight loss by the scale.
What you may not see right away is this: Exercising regularly, you may be converting fat into muscle because your weight remains same
4. Women tend to be more calcium deficient than men
Make sure you consuming enough calcium .milk, broccoli, kidney beans and yoghurt have rich amount of calcium.
5. Women are twice as likely to experience depression as men
Some studies show that exercise can work quickly to elevate depressed mood in many people.