Performing the relaxation response, meditation, tai chi, and other stress-busting techniques can improve your health ...

How relaxation exercises improve health? ( MHF008 )

Performing the relaxation response, meditation, tai chi, and other stress-busting techniques can improve your health
1. lowering your heart rate
Your resting heart rate, though, tends to be stable from day to day.
The usual range for resting heart rate is anywhere between 60 and 90 beats per minute.
Above 90 is considered high.This can lowers the resting heart rate over time.
2. lowering your blood pressure
A study showed that simply taking six deep breaths in a period of 30 seconds reduced systolic
blood pressure by 3.4 to 3.9 units compared to just sitting quietly.
3. reducing anger
Give yourself short breaks during times of the day that tend to be stressful.
A few moments of quiet time might help you feel better prepared to handle
what's ahead without getting irritated or angry.
4. reducing fatigue
Fatigue is generally defined as a feeling of lack of energy
and motivation that can be physical, mental or both.
Hold the breath for a count of three.Then release the breath slowly and gently.
Repeat the breath cycle 5 to 25 times, and you’ll certainly feel re energized and revitalized.
5.improving concentration
Concentration is taking your mind off many things and putting it on one thing at a time.
Sit in a comfortable chair and see how still you can keep, without making any involuntary muscular movements for 15 minutes.
By a little practice of this you can improving concentration