Humans are programmed to desire food and we need it for basic survival. Monitoring what you should eat to stay healthy? And when y...

Eat breakfast like a king, Lunch like a prince, And Dinner like a pauper.( HT003 )

Humans are programmed to desire food and we need it for basic survival. Monitoring what you should eat to stay healthy? And when you eat, what can you eat? Also be vital. If you are a late riser, your meals will be later than someone who wakes up early. So personalize your diet plan with the considerations of your body needs. You may have heard an old saying

“Eat breakfast like a king.

Lunch like a prince,


Dinner like a pauper”.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because body need to top up the glucose levels, after 10-12 hours of fasting. Our brain is the most energy demanding organ, using one-half of all the sugar energy in the body. Make your breakfast even healthier by adding high-protein & high-fiber. Protein-rich breakfast reduces the signals in the brain that control food craving. Fiber can helps to control blood sugar levels. Skipping breakfast is more likely to cause weight gain instead of weight loss. So don’t skip your breakfast.
Lunch makes you be able to focus on the rest of the afternoon. Having a nutrient packed lunch can provide required energy to your body. It's critical to fuel up at the right time.
Early dinner can be fixing health issues like Heartburn, acidity, gas and other digestive problems. Vegetable food is the most important one for dinner. A light dinner is a perfect way to end the intake of a day.
Instead of reading and forgetting, try above mentioned eating habit in your daily life at least for one or two weeks and realize yourself